Sunday, July 23, 2006

What a week!

It’s been quite a week! The school just launched itself as a Centre of Excellence for the English Language just two days ago, and so many people were up to their necks in work. I guess you could say it was a success and many were saying that someone up there was watching over us. While I am not a believer in God, I guess things did somehow pull together. Somehow!

Next week’s not going to be any lighter though. I’ve got a presentation on Tuesday afternoon, which I have to prepare for, and on Wednesday I’m bringing my kids to the Zoo. That’ll be fun! I really do like going to the Zoo and seeing all the fascinating animals nature has to offer. I hope the kids don’t talk to their relatives. Chuckle.

After July is over, I bet we can all have a breather. It’s been a killer month, and so many trips out! First, it was the National Education show for all P5s, then it was Sungei Buloh for their learning journey, then the Zoo! Oh I’ve forgotten, they actually went to the Science Centre for a DNA lesson, which was very interesting. I do hope to be a student again. Speaking of which, I hope to be able to take a Masters in Counselling or counseling Psychology when I can, maybe after the bond (2.5 years to go, yippee!). Else, I think I’ll go nuts from all this working. Give me studying anytime, with pay! (In my dreams.. of course)

We went to the IKEA sale yesterday. It was great! So many things to buy, mostly things we need, but of course, many things we don’t need but WANT! I just love that store…. Especially all the beautiful colours. Did you watch the Amazing Race episode where they had to go the super huge store in Sweden? It was simply fantastic. Someone, fly me there now! I will never leave… Ha ha.

Oh, V’s calling me for a game of pool Ta ta for now!

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