Sunday, May 08, 2005

Not ready for new things

In trying to be brave and try out a new blogskin, i realised i had to be rather photoshop, flash and html savvy in order to make it my own. Now that's something that's beyond me. Not that i've never taken any courses nor do i NOT know how to use them, just not to the level of those people who seem to use it like they were born to.

People are very interested in anime these days. Why? I have no affinity for the things and the computer animation, though nice, make women and men look like dolls, for they have teardrop eyes and long rebonded hair - and they always have great figures! they are modern day barbies! Perhaps I am lost in the whole transition period to anime and it has never caught on with me... don't blame me!

Another trend I noticed was that people tend to choose fancy names for their screen names. Another "WHY?" appears in my mind.. in fact mine is simple and mine. Literally. That's who i am and that's what I do.... others choose to have monikers for them to hide behind them - is that when they can truly be themselves? I hope not.

My better half (or what my relatives claim he is) says that the greatest asset I have is being true to myself and never changing despite the environment I am put in. I hope he's right, for that means more to me than anything anyone has ever said. To be steady and real, that's what I aim to be most of the time...... I'm sure you know then, I hate hypocrites.

Clearing my wardrobe I discover an ex's long sleeve shirt which I should've returned along with other items of clothing. Why do i still keep it? I still have certain items which I have not yet thrown, actually it's only a matter of time.. Now they sit in the crevices of my room aching to be thrown. It's not because I'm not over him, but ain't it a pity to throw things that are so pretty? Perhaps my better half now would beg to differ. Sweetie, don't blame me ok? I don't have to heart to discard them yet.

I'm off to bed and thoughts of many kinds linger in my mind.


varf said...

On names. One's name is a representation of one's persona; it is the label that others attach to one's presence that they define in their mind.

Online, the choice of a screen name becomes an outlet for self-expression. One has the freedom of being as close to reality, to project one's "real life" identity - or as adrift from it, to protect the same identity - as one pleases.

On anime. Anime is, first and foremost, a medium and not a genre. As with books and television shows, there are a wide variety of themes and a whole spectrum of target audiences and quality.

It then becomes important to find out which titles would suit your preferences, as with any novel. Action, comedy, romance or mystery? Engaging plot or mind-numbing eye candy? There are titles for all of them. I could recommend a few if you're curious.

Genki said...

Sure i'd like to just take a look and see what its all about! I guess I hvae not been properly introduced to it :)