Sunday, February 12, 2006

Going away

My hubby’s been away for a week and he will be away for the next 13 weeks to come. It has passed rather slowly, especially the weekend that has just passed. Although I spent much of it sleeping, there was still something missing. It was just his presence. Missing him is different from missing a boyfriend. There is a strong sense of certainty and security, knowing that those 3 months only serve as a temporary absence of the physical person. We are united in spirit and the love grows stronger yet. Sound familiar? This time it’s different.

The next 13 weeks will be spent catching up with friends, school work and concentrating on the house renovation and packing up my things to move to the new block. When he returns, we’ll be all set to start our new life together. It’s so exciting! I guess all good things must wait. I’m seriously counting down.

If you think about it, 3 months is a short time, yet in 3 months many things can happen, really. Let’s make quick list..

  1. My cousin Ethan would have put on some weight and my other cousin Adele would have learnt to walk.

  2. The school kids would have gone through CA1, March holidays and be preparing for SA1.

  3. My mom would have gone on two trips – Australia and India.

  4. The house renovation would have been completed.

  5. My hair would have grown 2 inches.

  6. My dad’s friend, Vernon, would have left

  7. I would have eaten at my mother-in-law’s place 7 times.

And the list goes on… Does time really fly? Perhaps when you’re having fun.. but when you’re working, that’s a different story, eh?

Alright, enough pondering. I’m off to bed. Sleep helps time pass faster – so for the next 3 months it’s going to be my best friend. Sleep early, wake up, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch a bit of TV, sleep. That’s going to be my routine for the weekdays. Saturday, Sunday, wake up at 11, have brunch, meet friends for afternoon shopping, arrange dinner at night. Sunday, have brunch again, watch CSI on TV, meet M-in law for dinner at V’s house. And another week passes.

I love my sleep. Night all!

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