Saturday, April 22, 2006

18 days and counting

Yeah! It’s the 22nd of April – which means my darling will be home soon! Exactly 18 days to go! Yes, I’ve started the countdown long before this actually, but soon it’ll be single digit. I simply cannot wait! The house is waiting for us to occupy… finally the real start to my married life. It’s so exciting! Yes, yes I’m gushing… but who wouldn’t if you have put so much into the house that you’ve always wanted and get to share it with the person you’ve decided to marry? Oh.. I’m sooo happy!

Oops, maybe for those who are reading this you might feel overwhelmed by the sudden gushing and mushiness. Heh. Well, I’m sorry then! You’ve just gotta put up with it. :P

The next few weeks see 2 public holidays – Vesak day and labour day. Labour Day is on the May the 1st and most probably I’ll be packing up the things in my house.. which I am supposed to be doing now, but am a little lazy. But on Vesak day, May 12th, he’ll be back! Oh joy of joy! Finally I will not have to do things on my own. It’s hard to be independent, yet at the same time, it’s not good to always be too dependent.. Why don’t I ever learn? Sigh

Ok.. enough rambling. I’m off to pack up the things that are under my bed. Accumulating under my bed and collecting dust! Must get most packing done by today, then finish marking.

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