Sunday, April 30, 2006

Labourious Day

Tomorrow will be Labour Day! That means only 10 days to V’s return. I am ecstatic, to say the least. He’s back just in time for the Vesak day holiday… Hopefully there will also be an extra day to make up for the election holiday. Then we can have a 4 day weekend. Woo hoo!

Anyway, just found out that many of my friends are getting hitched! I guess it’s that time of our lives when people are settling down and making plans for the future. Watching a bunch of JC students on the MRT yesterday made me think of the time long ago, when our only worry was studying and the main focus was actually having fun with our friends. Then in University, it was the same, only Uni in London meant extra time for fun and less time for studying, which to me, was the right balance to maintain one’s sanity. Now, with worklife, there’s so such thing as pontang and writing letters to excuse us from work. It is really much more serious and every little thing that you do is scrutinized. I guess this is what they mean by going through various stages in life. When you finally leave a stage, all you have are memories, which you can look back upon, but mostly you do there’s a certain sense of finality to it. You can’t really turn back and say, “Hey, why didn’t I enjoy myself more?” or “Hey, why can’t we go back to feeling carefree?” There’s really no turning back time.

Well, to me, it’s a natural progression. I’m happy with my life right now. The only thing that is plaguing me is the fact that my job sometimes can get very frustrating and infuriating, and that many things are not within my control, like it or not. Of course, most people experience the same thing. Hopefully, one day, I will be owning my own business and being my own boss… rather than having to succumb to the leadership of someone else… Being unable to control certain decisions e.g. I want to wear jeans to work! I want to wear certain types of shoes etc etc.. can be very stifling.

Doing the final bit of packing now… Hope to finish in time for my badminton game tonight.

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