Monday, March 14, 2005


My one week school holiday has officially begun. It feels GREEEEAT! Did i already mention that I FEEL GREAT? Ha ha.

It's been a good start to the week because I woke up at 1115am. Wonderful being able to sleep late and not worry that i'm late for work! Incidentally that happened to me last week and I woke up with a start!!! I should have been at work at 7am but only work up at 730am. Thank goodness I could get to work in 5 minutes..... Else I really don't know what would have happened. Would I have to get an MC?

I don't know who's reading this, but for my friends overseas, I miss you guys!! I hope to be able to come visit maybe this June or the next. Oxford Street! JD! Leicester Sq Haagen Dazs! Gosh, I do miss those times.

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