Sunday, September 11, 2005

one week

One week holidays over already.. Gosh, really time flies. Once this next term is over, I would have finished 1.5 years of teaching and have only 3.5 years of the bond left to go. I guess I was really short sighted when I was younger, signing a bond without realizing what I was getting into... assuming that teachers, though they work hard, had lots of satisfaction on-the-job. I guess that's only partly right.

I should really start writing more. Have been having many thoughts lately - thoughts seemingly appearing from nowhere, yet somehow I must be thinking about it in my subconscious. Which is the part that frightens me. I mean, how can some undesirable thoughts enter my mind? I won't even want to list them down here... It is rather disturbing - i guess when people have such thoughts and act on them, things happen. You must be curious as to what I'm talking about... anyone experience the same situation? You suddenly think of a name, think of the past and wonder what so-and-so is doing now... Then suddenly you have this great urge to want to see or speak or *** that person... Problem is don't even know where that person is!!

Then another phenomenon strikes me.. sometimes I am walking and a great sense of deja vu hits me - Have I been here before? Have I seen this person somewhere? Then you get the shivers cos yo know you've actually not been here before. Where did that familiarity come from? Past lives (For those who believe in them) or simply a figment of imagination.. ?

Right, perhaps I just lack sleep... Then again.... I don't always get this feeling.

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