Thursday, February 08, 2007

More about X

No, i'm not talking about X-tasy... but Mr X. I started by talking about how we had drifted apart and how sad it is when love gets in the way of friendship, especially when it's not mutual. Then again, it's hard to stay friends with someone whom you've had feelings for but not reciprocated.

So anyway, here's another story about what he did for me.


It was New year's eve. We were all at X's place for potluck as usual. About 20 of us gathered at his big house (rented, of course) to celebrate new year's eve. It was a fun evening, but i spent the whole evening whom I was going to do the countdown with. Yes, at that time, I was preoccupied with such stuff, nitty gritty though it may be. I wanted to spend it with K, whom I was really very much into, but then X and everyone else in the house was going someplace else.

At about 10pm, everyone was getting ready to go. By then, I had already made plans to meet K at Big Ben. X and company decided, however, to go to Trafalgar Sq. Not that it was really that far away, but about 10 mins walk. Far enough. Anyhow, X came to ask me whether i was going to meet K. He knew that i liked K and had already been liking him for awhile. You would think he'd try to persuade me to go with him, right? since i was already at his house... but no, he said that if i were to go and meet K, he would walk me there. Such a gentleman, no? I must've been stupid to turn him down! But, love of a man can twist your brain and cloud your mind.

So we left the house around 1045pm and headed in the general direction. Taking a bus and a tube and finally out at Trafalgar Sq station. Because of the crowd getting there, we arrived very close to midnight. X walked me to meet K, despite my protests. In fact, I even remember telling him, "Don't do this to yourself? Why make yourself miserable?" Obviously, you would feel terrible right? Here, this guy was willing to walk me to meet his 'competitor'! His reason? There were many drunk people who might disturb me or do something to me along the way and it wasn't safe. 3 minutes to midnight we reached Big Ben. He gave me a hug and ran off in the opposite direction. I looked at him and wondered whether I should have even allowed him to send me to K. Seriously, i felt awful. I knew that he would not be able to make it back to the group in time.. Maybe cos of the number of phone calls, he would not even be able to meet up with them. He'd have to spend New year countdown running in midst of strangers! My heart ached. When I saw K, of course, i was happy... but guess what he said when he first saw X? In typical dominant male fashion, he said, 'Why was he hugging you?' What a contrast in behaviour. K was a total b***ard. I should've known earlier eh? But... as the saying goes, "Nan ren bu huai, nu ren bu ai". Translated, it simply means 'if men ain't bad, women wouldn't love them'. I vote to throw this saying out the window!!

Anyhow, my reflections on this episode were plenty. On the one hand, X touched my heart, just like during the Valentines' Day date. On the other hand, I was already in love with K. It was such a difficult decision to make. All i wanted was for someone to make the decision for me. Of course, in the end i chose K, and it ended badly, but i've never regretted that love we shared. It was special, no matter what.


Carrot said...

woman, i just tagged you. check my blog!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoever owns this blog, I would like to say that he has a great idea of choosing a topic.